Tia and I created a website and started a blog last February, lovingly named Trailpolish. We had dreams of blogging grandeur. Like many aspects of life, we saw the bright, shiny polished (no pun intended) version of many established blogs on social media. We thought "Hey, we can do that!".
Let's be real. Tia and I both hold full time jobs. We have the whole family thing going on. Not to mention the numerous random things that stretch our time and energy thin.
A year later, we reasessed our vision and decided to take a step back. We were not able to make Trailpolish what we wanted it to be. We weren't emotionally attached to the blog, so we decided to let it go.
After a few weeks and a few conversations we agreed that maybe we shouldn't have gone cold turkey on the concept. Maybe we could start again? Reassess our expectations of the blog.
What do we want out of Trailpolish? A creative outlet, a place to share, a place connect. Sure!
We did the whole 'who are we' 'about us' bit on our previous blog. I used to struggle with getting things perfect, grammar, layout, graphics... This is going to be our place, free flowing, go with the flow.
Welcome to our new spot. Enjoy!